We've collected survey data from 427 Apostolic singles so far, and the data is starting to show us some interesting trends. In this episode, Steven and Megan answer questions like: where do most Synchrony respondents come from? What is the racial and ethnic breakdown of the respondent pool? How many respondents are in each age group, and how many are male/female?
We're also giving away something pretty big! If you are a Single Apostolic male between the ages of 40 and 55, you can email us at questions@synchronyproject.com to request a FREE consultation--the first 10 men to reach out will get one!
Pew Research Center: "Racial and ethnic composition among Pentecostals in the Evangelical Tradition" https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/religious-family/pentecostal-family-evangelical-trad/racial-and-ethnic-composition/
U.S. Census Bureau, Quick Facts: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/
Sarah Adeyinka-Skold, 2020. University of Pennsylvania Dissertations: "Dating in the Digital Age: Race, Gender, and Inequality" https://www.proquest.com/openview/223cdfe5121c5efa648e53476e624ae4/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=51922&diss=y
Apostolic and Single? Take the "From Singles, to Shepherds" survey now!
#Synchpin Registration: https://the-synchrony-project.mykajabi.com/synchpin-registration
These pins are exclusively for Apostolic Singles to use to recognize other singles in public spaces and create better connections. Register and pay shipping and we will mail you your own pin!
Synchrony Community Members: You don't have to pay for shipping! See the Community space to give us your address and we'll mail you one absolutely free.
Want to understand and remove the dating barriers that prevent your connections? Check out the course here. (Synchrony Community Members, check the Community forum to access the course for free). https://the-synchrony-project.mykajab...
Download the 10 Min Connection Guide Here: https://the-synchrony-project.mykajabi.com/opt-in-d5ca0b81-abe1-4190-88ec-cb038489ca6a
Save 15% on your coffee order with our friends at Kaffe117 when you put the code "Synchrony" into the checkout, or use the following link: https://kaffe117.com/discount/Synchrony
Contact: If you want to join the conversation about this topic and give your thoughts, reach out on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or at questions@synchronyproject.com.