Trigger Warning: diet culture, disordered eating, body image.
Dating in a fat body is different than dating in a thin body, and is in some ways much more difficult. Our dating culture has internalized the thin preference that is deeply rooted in Western culture, and that preference leaves many people struggling to find someone who appreciates their body and sees them as an attractive potential partner. In this episode, Megan and Steven grapple with this difficult topic and provide data to illustrate the trends and, hopefully, to give hope to anyone who feels that their body is presenting challenges to connection.
Links and References:
Preferences for sexually dimorphic body characteristics revealed in a large sample of speed daters--Sidari, M. et al, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2019:
Secular differences in the association between caloric intake, macronutrient intake, and physical activity with obesity- Brown, Ruth E. et al, Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 2016:
"Size, By the Numbers," Hilary George Parkin, Racked, June 5, 2018. LANGUAGE ADVISORY:
Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight, Lindo Bacon, PhD. NOTE: This is a research-based book about dieting and its impact on health, written by a secular author who also identifies as non-binary. We understand that some may feel uncomfortable reading a book whose author does not affirm biological gender; however, the book is not about gender identity and its contents are important for anyone who has struggled with guilt, shame, or depression around their weight. Read with caution, but please consider reading.
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